Small Businesses Grant Opportunities

View of brown folders, with focus on grants label, Concept of funding, 3D illustration

As we move toward the end of the year, there are still grant opportunities for small businesses impact by COVID-19. If your business is struggling as a result of the pandemic, we encourage you to apply!

LISC-Lowe’s – Rural Relief Small Business Grants

Details: Grants ranging from $5,000 to $20,000 are available to businesses facing immediate financial pressure due to Covid-19.

Applications are being accepted in “rounds”. You must submit a new application for each round in order to be considered for funding in that round.  Applications will be reviewed based on criteria designed to prioritize particularly challenged businesses, and the final grantees will be randomly selected from the top scoring applicants.

Eligibility: Only small businesses located in rural communities are eligible at this time. Rural communities are defined as having a population of 50,000 or less.

A community is defined as the city/town/village where your business address is located. If the business is mobile (a food truck, fishing boat, ride share driver, etc) please use the address where your vehicle is stored during non-business hours.

 Sunday, 12/6, 11:59 p.m.

Pure Michigan Small Business Relief Initiative

Details: The Pure Michigan Small Business Relief Initiative will utilize federal CARES Act funding to provide $10 million in grants to meet the urgent need of Michigan small businesses disproportionately impacted the COVID-19 virus. Applications for businesses to apply will open on December 15, 2020.


  • Restaurants, bars and other food and beverage service providers
  • Travel and tourism destinations including lodging providers
  • Live event venues and movie theaters
  • Conference and meeting facilities
  • Ice skating rinks, indoor water parks and bowling centers
  • Gyms and fitness centers

These federal CARES Act dollars were distributed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to the Michigan Community Development Block Grant  program. To qualify for grant support, businesses must meet eligibility criteria including but not limited to:

  • Being a business in one of the targeted industries listed above
  • Must be in compliance with all State and local orders related to COVID-19, including, but not limited, to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
  • Be a for-profit entity (i.e., a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or LLC)
  • Have a physical establishment in the Michigan County of Application and is NOT a home-based business
  • Provide goods or services to multiple clients or customers
  • Be current, or in a payment plan, on all local, state, and federal taxes due through 1/1/2020
  • Have an active and valid state license(s)/registration(s), if applicable
  • Is not an adverse party to litigation involving the State or municipality
  • Business or Business owner has not filed for bankruptcy in the last 10 years
  • Can identify a need for payroll, rent or mortgage payments, and/or utility expenses necessary to continue/restart business operations relative to the total grant amount
  • Had annual gross revenues in 2019 greater than $25,000
  • Has at least two employees, including the owner(s)
  • Has fewer than 50 employees (including full-time, part-time, and owner(s) on a world-wide basis)

Deadline: Applications open Dec. 15. Applications will close once targeted allocations are met

Small Business and Microenterprise Grant Program

Detail: The City of Grand Rapids is providing grants up to $5,000 to qualifying small businesses impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.  About $1 million in Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) funds will assist small businesses and microenterprises with payroll, rent, mortgage, utility, or similar business expenses.


  • For profit businesses
  • 25 or fewer employees
  • Located in the General Target Area
  • With a physical location (no home-based businesses)
  • Benefitting low- or moderate-income persons (owner, employees, residents)

Deadline: Dec. 31,2020

If you are in need of funding beyond these grant opportunities and are located in Muskegon County, consider applying for our Muskegon County Recovery Loan