Get to Know Nikita Miner, GROW’s Office Administrator

What was your first job and what did you learn from it?

              I worked with my mom for my first job. She owned a cleaning company called Early Bird Cleaning Services, in Ypsilanti, MI. I learned that not all jobs are 9-5, we worked midnights most of the time, and found that the city was very much awake!

What is your go-to productivity trick?

              A quick walk, whether it’s outside around the block, or just from one desk to another in the office.

What is your work-from-home secret weapon?

              A blanket my mother-in-law made for me this Christmas. I get cold easily, so it’s nice to have something to keep me warm. 

Who has influenced you the most when it comes to how you approach your work?

              My mother. I wish we could live in a world where people didn’t have to work so hard, but I did learn hard work and determination from my mother. My father taught me to save so that I won’t have to work as hard in retirement.

How do you prefer to start and end your workday?

              I always start my workday with a cup of creamy coffee in my sunroom and end my day in the sunroom soaking up the last rays of sunshine.

What is a moment in your career so far that you are really proud of?

              I am very proud to graduate college. It took me 8 years with breaks and working, but it has allowed me to dream of my next move and recognize that being an adult learner has its advantages.

What is something people say you are great at?

              I believe people would say that I’m great at staying connected with what’s going on in the world. I have a global mindset.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten?

              Take your time when you can. When you rush through life, you miss the little things in yourself and others.

What are we most likely to find you doing on the weekends?

              Every Friday I watch Drag Race on VH1, and every Saturday I watch a South Korean variety show called I Live Alone. Sundays I catch up on my podcast from the week and trudge through my latest nonfiction book.

If you could change one thing about the world with the snap of your fingers, what would it be?

              I think very simply I would eliminate hate, especially racial because a world without hate would just operate more efficiently and with equity.